Eco-design platform for sustainable products.
Mongo DB
API rest
Angular js
First release
What's GApp?
This project was born to help designers to realize products in a sustainable way, in order to drive companies to reinvent themselves and have a good impact on the society and the planet. Starting from this mission, in collaboration with Nativa, we’ve created GApp, an eco-design innovative platform that allows companies to make responsible choices, since design starting, by calculating the product sustainability index.
View NativaGoals
To create a platform that allows designers to realize and re-design their products, considering commodity and components. The future is in the hands of who is able to work with a sustainable environment impact today, we would give companies the possibility to experiment that new vision.
A SoftInstigate’s characteristic is the focus on processes sustainability. We’ve ever been in charge on that issue, really important for us, it’s a pillar for put methodology.
How can we share our approach and make other companies attentive to sustainability?
GApp was our solution: a product that conveyed to designers the round production process, which means to be environmentally friendly. For that reason GApp drives designers into key elements of choice in the planning, giving them the product sustainability infos about materials, process, structure, packaging and supplies.

The developed tool can be used in different industries and can be setted in the Scoring System, the adaptive interface based on the use the company will do.
In order to app configuration is important to follow some steps:
STEP 0, needs and technological characteristics analysis
STEP 1, setup and branding
STEP 2, user settings and functional and technical support
Why do that? Because of adopt sustainability principles in every phase.
Every company has a limited user number and can insert illimited products through an easy to use interface. Each professional figure can use the platform following his expertise and log from any device in every place, without installation.

GApp is a Single Page Application (SPA) developed using Angular, the open source framework realized and managed by Google. The application backend was developed using RESTHeart that exposes REST API via HTTPS to do MongoDB integration. The application is deployed on Amazon's bucket S3, correctly configured to host the SPA. We did the distribution through CloudFront, the AWS’s Content Delivery Network.